AmigaActive (188/2143)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:3 May 2000 at 13:56:32
Subject:Re: Someone just please please help!!!


On 03-May-00, you wrote:

> Problem is that my 1200T is stuffed to the guts (and when, no *if* i get
> the PPC working I'll get a BVision in there too, a for way clock adapter,
> Zip, Clock port prelude....), and getting to my ROMs is, ummm, murder!!
> All those ribbon cables, etc. :)

Have you got or tried an Powerflyer in your system? I want one but don't
know if it will fit in : /

Anyone with an AteoBus answer me (please : ) )


*Sam Thomas* - Amiga user, Simple as that : ) ICQ:64489402

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